Uninstall Accountable2You for Amazon Kindle Fire

We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with your Accountable2You installation on your device. So if you need anything at all, please do let us know!

NOTE: Please note that uninstalling the software does not cancel your paid subscription. For instructions on suspending or canceling your subscription, please visit this article.

Step 1: Open the Accountable2You app and select "Uninstall". Screenshot_2017-04-20-15-14-50.png

Step 2: Provide a reason for your accountability partners.

If your account is still active, your accountability partners will be informed that you have removed the application from your device. Help them understand the reason by indicating this in the space provided. When finished, click "Uninstall Accountable2You". Screenshot_2017-04-20-15-15-11.png

Step 3: Confirm uninstallation. Screenshot_2017-04-20-15-15-18.png

Step 4: Deactivate the Admin feature.

Accountable2You is required to be a "device administrator" on a Kindle device in order to monitor activity. Before you can delete the app, you need to disable the administrator feature. To do this, "Manage Device Administrators". Screenshot_2017-04-20-15-15-26.pngOn the next page, click "Deactivate" at the bottom of the page.


Step 5: Re-confirm uninstallation.

Now that the administrator feature has been deactivated, repeat the uninstallation request. Click "Uninstall Accountable2You". Screenshot_2017-04-20-15-15-11.pngLastly, select "OK" when asked to confirm the uninstallation. Screenshot_2017-04-20-15-15-18.png

That's it!

Accountable2You has been removed from your device. Your accountability partners will receive an e-mail that looks similar to this: Screen_Shot_2017-04-20_at_10.13.13_AM.png

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