Install Accountable2You for Apple iOS
Looking to receive reports and alerts? Check out our Reports app!
- 1
Download the Accountable2You monitoring app
- Open the App Store on your device.
- Search for "Accountable2You".
- Tap the Get button beside the result for "Accountable2You Monitoring."
- If prompted, sign in with your Apple ID username and password.
- 2
Register the Accountable2You app
- Tap the Open button for "Accountable2You Monitoring" in the App Store.
- Tap Get Started and tap Next until you arrive at the Login screen.
- Enter a name for the device, then enter your Accountable2You username and password.
- For the device name, we recommend using the name of the primary device user and the device type. For example, "Matt's iPhone 12 Pro".
- Having trouble with your username or password? Click here. (You can also tap "Forgot Password" at the bottom of the screen in the app.)
- Next, tap the Add Device button to register the app.
- Using a Family Plan with multiple users?
- If yes, you'll be prompted to select the primary user for the device. Select the user from the list, and then tap the Assign to Family Member button.
- If not, skip to the next step.
- Review the Terms and Conditions, then tap I Agree to continue. Your device is now added to the account - we’re almost there!
- 3
Install and trust the certificate
- Tap Check My Device.
- Tap Show Me How (at this point, you can either follow along with the steps displayed in the A2U app, or you can continue following the steps listed in the rest of this guide).
- Tap Allow the Certificate, then tap Allow again to download the configuration profile.
- Open the Settings app on your device. Tap Profile Downloaded (near the top).
- Tap Install, enter your device PIN or password, and tap Install again.
- Confirm that you want to install and tap Done.
- Go back to General in your Settings app, and select About.
- Scroll all the way to the bottom and tap Certificate Trust Settings.
- Next to "", toggle the switch on (it should be green). Tap Continue to trust the certificate.
- Close out of the Settings app and return to the Accountable2You monitoring app. Tap Done in the upper left.
- 4
Allow the VPN configuration
- Tap Allow the Configuration. The next screen will say "Setting up monitoring..." at the top.
- You'll see a message pop up—tap Allow, then enter your device passcode if prompted.
- If the "Setting up monitoring..." screen stays there for more than a minute, tap Cancel Monitoring Setup, then tap Monitoring Settings > Enable Monitoring to try again.
- Once the monitoring is set up, you'll see a "This device is monitored" banner at the top of the app.
If you're a parent on a Family plan and installing this app on a child's device, use your own username and password here. You'll assign this device to your child in step 5.
If you don't see in your Certificate Trust Settings, try updating your device to the latest iOS version.
That’s it! Your iOS device is now being monitored by Accountable2You. Now that you've enabled the monitoring, don't forget to add partners for this device!
Want to test the monitoring? Click here to learn how!