View the Reports Page

The Reports Dashboard is the initial page you’ll come to in your online A2U account when selecting Reports from the navigation bar.

This page provides an overview of the total number of records and any alerts for each device on your account, along with each device that you're a partner for. You can adjust the timeframe for this dashboard to 24 hours, 7 days, or 15 days of activity.

The Reports Dashboard is the central reporting hub where you'll also find access to all other reporting options (listed at the bottom of this article).

Activity ratings at a glance

A color-coded system is used on the Reports Dashboard to help you quickly identify if and where questionable activity has occurred:

🟢 Normal (green) — Indicates that nothing questionable has been detected.

🟡 Questionable (yellow) — Indicates that questionable activity has been detected.

🔴 Highly Questionable (red) — Indicates that highly questionable activity has been detected.

Tip: If you'd like some help and best practices for interpreting activity records, check out this article!

Once you've logged in and navigated to the Reports tab of your online A2U account, check out the options below for help navigating the Reports Dashboard.

Filter for timeframe and activity types

Notice that you can use the timeframe dropdown at the top of the page to filter activity during different periods of time (24 hours, 7 days, or 15 days).

Select the See all alerts button to see a report of all Questionable Activity in the time frame you selected. This report includes both questionable 🟡 and highly questionable 🔴 activity.

Navigate your report

You can collapse or reveal device information by clicking My Report, Family Report, or Group Report (depending on your plan type) and then selecting a user’s name. If you have a paid A2U subscription, this will show the activity for any of your own devices where you currently have the A2U monitoring app installed.

On a Family or Group plan, you’ll see multiple device users to choose from here. You can also quickly find a specific user or device name on larger accounts by using the “Search by name” bar at the top of this Reports Dashboard page.

View your partner's report

Similarly, if someone has selected you to be a partner for their devices, you'll see a summary of their activity by selecting the Partner Report tab.

Additional reports

From the Reports Dashboard, you can also access the following in-depth reports.

  • Detailed Activity Report — This report shows a complete storyline of activity for a device during the selected timeframe.
    • Select All Activity next to the device.
  • App Usage Reports — This report shows how much time the device user has spent in each app for the selected timeframe.
    • Select App Usage next to the device.

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