Edit Device Name and User

If you need to either change the name of a device (how it appears on reports) or assign a device to a different user (for Family or group plans), then you’ve come to the right place!

Edit the device name

To update the name of the device on the reports:

Log into your A2U account online here and choose Devices in the top navigation menu.
On the left, click on the device name you’d like to edit.
Select the Device Name field.
Enter the new name.
Select the Save button at the bottom of the page to confirm your changes.

Edit the device user

To update which user the device belongs to on the reports:

Log into your A2U account online here and choose Devices in the top navigation menu.
On the left, click on the device name you’d like to edit.
Select the Primary User dropdown.
Choose the correct device user from the list.
Select the Save button at the bottom of the page to confirm your changes.

Related articles

You’ll notice that you can also edit the Permissions your partners have for a device on this page, along with the Monitoring Sensitivity level of the device. For more information on either of these features, check out these related articles:

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