Getting Started with a Family Plan

Welcome! We’re excited for you to join thousands of others in the Accountable2You family who are enjoying the freedom of transparency on their devices. Thanks for taking this step to help your family defend purity and live with integrity!

Once you’ve started your free trial, getting started with Accountable2You is quick and easy. Below, we’ll walk through the essential steps to make sure your Family plan is up and running.

Step 1: Adding family members

The Accountable2You Family plan allows you to add each member of your family as a unique user on your account. This lets you customize the reports and monitoring settings like Custom Trigger Words and Time Limit Alerts for each family member.

To add family members to your account:

Go to from any web browser.
Log in to your account with your username and password.
Select the Family tab.
From here, you can invite another parent or add children.

Parents have full control to manage the device settings, reports, partner settings, Time Limit Alerts, and Custom Trigger Words for themselves and for any children on the account.

For more tips about adding and editing family members, take a look at this related support guide.

Step 2: Installing the monitoring app

Next, you’ll install the Accountable2You app on any of your family member’s devices that need monitoring. Your Family plan comes with up to 20 active installations of the A2U app, so you’ll have plenty of coverage for each of your family’s devices.

On the device that needs monitoring, go to
Type "install" in the search bar.
Choose the installation guide for your device type, then follow the steps to set up A2U on that device.
Repeat these steps on the rest of your devices that need monitoring.

Step 3: Setting up partners

Once you have the monitoring app installed on your devices, you can set up accountability partners to receive reports and alerts for device activity. Remember, partners don't need the app to receive reports and alerts. They receive these through email, text messages, or online with their own free partner account.

Note: It’s worth mentioning that reports for any children on the account are automatically shared with each parent without any additional setup needed. Similarly, parent’s reports are also shared with each other. Parents can always edit their default report and alert settings by visiting the Family tab of the account and selecting Options > Alert Settings next to their own name.

To set up partners on your account:

From, visit the Partners tab.
Select Invite New Partner.
Enter the partner’s name and email address, then choose what level of activity they’ll have permission to see for each device on your account. You can add partners for just your own personal devices, or for your children’s devices as well (depending on your preferences).
Once you send the invite, your partner will receive an email allowing them to complete their free partner account or to adjust their alert settings if they already have an account.

After finishing these steps, go ahead and use your devices like you normally would—our app will quietly monitor your activity and send reports and alerts to your partners.

For a deeper dive into adding accountability partners, check out this article.

Step 4: Viewing activity reports

If you’d like to view device activity for yourself or anyone else in your family, you can do so at any time from the Reports tab of your account.

We call this page the Reports Dashboard — the central reporting hub where you'll find access to all other reporting options.

This page provides an overview of the records and alerts for each device on your A2U account. If you’re a partner for anyone else, you’ll see an overview for their devices here as well. You can adjust the timeframe for this dashboard to 24 hours, 7 days, or 15 days of activity.

For more info about each report type, take a look at our Understand Accountable2You Reports article.

That’s it! Completing these steps means your Family plan is ready to go.

For help with anything along the way, just reach out to our friendly team at We’re always happy to help!

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