Search results for uninstall

17 articles found

  • Uninstall Accountable2You for Android

    We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with your Accountable2You installation on your device. If you need anything at all, please do let us know!

  • Uninstall Accountable2You for Linux

    We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with Accountable2You. So if you need anything at all, please do let us know! Uninstalling the app does not

  • Uninstall Accountable2You for Windows

    We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with your Accountable2You installation on your device. If you need anything at all, please do let us know!

  • Uninstall Accountable2You for Apple iOS

    We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with the monitoring app on your device. So if you need anything at all, please do let us know! Uninstalling

  • Uninstall Accountable2You for Apple Mac

    We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with your Accountable2You installation on your device. If you need anything at all, please do let us know!

  • Uninstall Accountable2You for Amazon Kindle Fire

    We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with Accountable2You. If you need anything at all, please do let us know! Uninstalling the app does not cancel

  • Uninstall Accountable2You for Chrome OS / Chromebook

    We’re happy to help with any technical issues, questions, or problems you’ve encountered with Accountable2You. If you need anything at all, please do let us know! Uninstalling the extension does not

  • Identify and Remove Inactive Devices

    As you add and remove the A2U monitoring app on your devices, sometimes you'll end up with duplicates on your account. Keeping the devices on your account tidy helps ensure your reports are as clear

  • Manage Your Billing and Payment Information

    There are two pages in your Accountable2You account that provide important billing information: The Billing page shows your subscription type and current payment method. The Billing History page

  • Reactivate Your Account

    Welcome back! To reactivate your previous A2U subscription, just follow these steps: Log into your A2U account online here and navigate to Account Settings > Upgrade To Paid Account. Select your

  • Restore a Previous Group Member

    This guide is for administrators on group plans. If you’ve deleted a group member and would like to reinvite them, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading for a solution to reinvite the group

  • Send a Diagnostic Report

    Tracking and monitoring activity on a wide variety of devices is an admittedly complicated and technical task. The good news is that we're up for the challenge and ready to help! Diagnostic reports

  • Install Accountable2You for Android

    If you have any other versions of Accountable2You for Android on your device, please uninstall those versions before installing our app with the steps below. ✅ 1 Download the app from the Google Play

  • Install Accountable2You for Apple iOS

    If you have our old monitoring app or our beta app installed on your iOS device, please uninstall any other versions of A2U on your iOS device before installing our monitoring app with the steps

  • The Accountable2You Beta Program

    Help us make the next release of Accountable2You the best version yet! The Accountable2You beta program is a simple way for you to test-drive our latest updates and features before they’re publicly

  • Turn off the monitoring on iOS

    If you need to temporarily disable the Accountable2You monitoring app on an iPhone or iPad, you can do so with the steps provided below. (If you're uninstalling the monitoring app from your device,

  • Android Accessibility Keeps Turning Off Accountable2You

    To monitor your device, the Accountable2You monitoring app needs permission to use your phone's Accessibility settings. This article walks through some common obstacles and solutions to keep these